Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Silver Spoon In Your Mouth

After over a decade underwriting commercial loans, Los Angeles-based designer Karin Collins has put her business experience together with her passion for art, pop culture and fashion to create SpoonFed Art. In January 2004, after a few major life changes, Karin decided to leave her job to pursue a more fulfilling career. Just prior to resigning, Karin had begun fashioning pendants out of spoons as a means of therapy for an eating disorder. "It was the first time I had allowed myself a real creative outlet and it made life better. I made the pendants for myself, but every time I wore one I was amazed at the amount of compliments I received." So when a friend suggested that she start a business, Karin decided to give it a try... and SpoonFed Art was born. After being contacted by their head of PR, Kira Bloom, about a sale this in August where everything on the site is 10% I took a look at the products and read the story. I fell in love with this pendant but there are tons of others for you to pick from.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those are beautiful.