Do you know what inspired me? Handbags of course. I might not have a job, and many bills looming on the horizon but I can still take solace in a good handbag, followed by a good shoe. That being said there are good handbags and shoes everywhere but the handbag that I picked out is ridiculously gorgeous and soon to be sought after.
Owner Pierre Dabagh (dad of a friend!) started Park Avenue International Handbags in 1982, and introduced the Pietro Alessandro line in 2004, with the fashion conscious consumer in mind. Fine leathers, imported from Italy, are used to craft unique and sophisticated handbags, which are then manufactured in the USA. And now, Pietro Alessandro has created a niche in the edgy, fashionable world of handbags, especially with this little gem that is being carried all over the place by Lindsey Lohan. I've got that one and a different style coming tomorrow for a fraction of what they sell for in stores... LOVE IT!
And if the wasn't enough to put me on fashion cloud nine. I also went a little shoe crazy at Target. Yes, you read right Target. I had initially gone just to do some reconnaissance concerning the Hollywould for Target line that just hit stores. Overall it was a bit flashy and a bit too high heeled for me but I did end up purchasing one pair of peep toes and then got distracted by all the other fabulous and inexpensive shoes. Like these little gems, in brown and black. They are just flirty enough to be worn out at night but comfy enough for daytime. Plus they remind me of these hot Dolce Vita skimmers that I was lusting over for a while. I also got a pair of plain brown flats because the cold weather is coming and flip flops just aren't going to do it, unfourtunately. All that for about $100! I'm so excited. And while I was looking on the website I noticed these boots which would be great for the winter with my brand new handbag!
It's so good to be back.
1 comment:
i tried posting this earlier but i got something yelling at me saying does not compute or something retarded.
Anyways- glad you are back ;) And those shoes are just toooo cute.
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